<%@Language="VBScript" %> <% '########################################################### '# Author: Jesper Stocholm # '# Date: 2003-06-18 # '# Contact: dev@stocholm.dk # '# Version: 0.9 # '# # '# Comments: # '# The purpose of this function is to enable blurring of # '# email adrresses on the web. Given an email address # '# as input it will generate a Hex-version of the address # '# - making it impossible to retrieve for some malicious # '# address spiders on the web. # '# # '# # '# Disclaimer: # '# This code is provided "as is" and is to be used at your # '# own risk. You can use this code as you wish as long as # '# you don't claim you wrote it. Should you decide to use # '# it, I would be greateful if you would send me an email # '# using the address above. # '########################################################### dim emailAddress,displayName,cssClass,onclickEvent ' as string '# Creates anchor element to launch email application '# Only mandatory value is emailAddress private function BlurEmail(emailAddress,displayName,cssClass) dim sOut ' as string dim i ' as integer sOut = "<a href=" & chr(34) & "mailto:" & Hexify(emailAddress) & chr(34) '# if css class is specified, add this to a-element attributes if not isNull(cssClass) then sOut = sOut & " class=" & chr(34) & Hexify(cssClass) & chr(34) end if sOut = sOut & ">" '# if display name is specified, add this to a-element value if isNull(displayName) then sOut = sOut & Hexify(emailAddress) & "</a>" else sOut = sOut & Hexify(displayName) & "</a>" end if '# Return and assign sOut to function BlurEmail = sOut end function '# Returns hexified value of input private function Hexify(text) dim sOut ' as string dim i ' as integer for i = 1 to Len(text) sOut = sOut & "&#x" & Hex(Asc(Mid(text,i,1))) & ";" next Hexify = sOut end function '# Possible calls of the function 'BlurEmail("youremail@domain.invalid","Your name","b") 'BlurEmail("youremail@domain.invalid",null,"b") 'BlurEmail("youremail@domain.invalid","Your Name",null) %> <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> .b {font-size: 2.0em;} </style> </head> <body> <% = BlurEmail("youremail@domain.invalid","Your name","b") %> <br> <a href="../viewsource.asp?file=bluremail/bluremail.asp">View source</a> </body> </html>